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SOGS (Session Open Group Server) is a type of Session communication channel, a community of users (with no limit on number of participants). It's not hosted on Session nodes, in contrast to Session groups, instead it is hosted on SOGS owner's server, but it is onion routed and end-to-end encrypted. If allows flexible management of rights and can be used for public announcements channels and chats.

Looking for a way to host SOGS yourself? Check out bunsogs from author of Session.js

Interacting with SOGS

Use @session.js/sogs package with utilities for SOGS and @session.js/client to interact with SOGS.

Example: Get info about room

To make request to SOGS you must initialize Session instance. This library handles authorization and encryption in connection to SOGS for you.

bun add @session.js/client
import { Session, ready } from '@session.js/client'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'
const displayName = 'My Session bot'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, displayName)

// Example SOGS link:
const sogsUrl = ''
const sogsRoom = 'sessionjs'
const sogsPublicKey = '8948f2d9046a40e7dbc0a4fd7c29d8a4fe97df1fa69e64f0ab6fc317afb9c945'

await session.sendSogsRequest({
  host: sogsUrl,
  serverPk: sogsPublicKey,
  endpoint: '/room/' + sogsRoom,
  method: 'GET',
  blind: false
  active_users: 1,
  active_users_cutoff: 604800,
  admins: [ "15b8543369273587555a8bd935156a76bbf9752f1dac4a8d998c2d6ddc712eb921" ],
  created: 1723208687.896,
  description: "Channel about Session.js framework",
  image_id: 3,
  info_updates: 5,
  message_sequence: 34,
  moderators: [],
  name: "Session.js announcements",
  token: "sessionjs",
  pinned_messages: [],
  read: true,
  write: false,
  upload: false,
  moderator: false,
  admin: false,

Example: Get messages

To decrypt message, you can use decryptSogsMessageData method from @session.js/sogs which handles decryption for you

bun add @session.js/client @session.js/sogs
import { Session, ready } from '@session.js/client'
import { decryptSogsMessageData } from '@session.js/sogs'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'
const displayName = 'My Session bot'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, displayName)

// Example SOGS link:
const sogsUrl = ''
const sogsRoom = 'sessionjs'
const sogsPublicKey = '8948f2d9046a40e7dbc0a4fd7c29d8a4fe97df1fa69e64f0ab6fc317afb9c945'

const messages = await session.sendSogsRequest({
  host: sogsUrl,
  serverPk: sogsPublicKey,
  endpoint: '/room/' + sogsRoom + '/messages/recent',
  method: 'GET',
  blind: false
const latestMessage = messages[messages.length - 1]
if(!latestMessage) {
  throw new Error('This room has no messages')
const message = decryptSogsMessageData(
// -> (this is example)
SignalService.Content {
  dataMessage: DataMessage {
    attachments: [],
    preview: [],
    body: "Hello!",
    timestamp: Long {
      low: 675798965,
      high: 404,
      unsigned: true
    profile: LokiProfile {
      displayName: "My Bot",
      profilePicture: "",

Example: Send messages

❌ DO NOT use this to send spam ❌


import { Session, ready } from '@session.js/client'
import { decryptSogsMessageData } from '@session.js/sogs'
import { VisibleMessage } from '@session.js/schema'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'
const displayName = 'My Session bot'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, displayName)

// Example SOGS link:
const sogsUrl = ''
const sogsRoom = 'sessionjs'
const sogsPublicKey = '8948f2d9046a40e7dbc0a4fd7c29d8a4fe97df1fa69e64f0ab6fc317afb9c945'

// Use blinding to hide your Session ID from others
// Blinding uses ID unique to each SOGS so that no one knows your Session ID
// (at least in theory, see
const blind = true

const msg = new VisibleMessage({
  body: reply,
  profile: session.getMyProfile(),
  timestamp: session.getNowWithNetworkOffset(),
  expirationType: null,
  expireTimer: null,
  identifier: crypto.randomUUID(),
  attachments: [],
  preview: [],
  quote: undefined

const { data, signature } = session.encodeSogsMessage({
  serverPk: sogsPublicKey,
  message: msg
const requestBody = JSON.stringify({ data, signature })
const messages = await session.sendSogsRequest({
  host: sogsUrl,
  serverPk: sogsPublicKey,
  endpoint: '/room/' + sogsRoom + '/message',
  method: 'POST',
  body: requestBody
// -> (this is example)
  id: 9,
  session_id: "15f0240ef446562d2afad24a4cf24eaa1fee45655dc461de01309a5bcd5e24e943",
  posted: 1735849081.0190141,
  seqno: 9,
  signature: "cIk52ceTRCMcfNi71V3FsphPPf4w9/jOZSUBAnZSgsCWnJMLx+xxXaL0OY6+LXwTin6GilFw71rZG1ax6czrAQ==",
  reactions: {},