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Profile customization

Session allows you to set display name and avatar for your Session ID. This article explains how to customize your profile using Session.js


Session.js currently does not support syncing profile between devices, you will likely run into problems if you try to use up-to-date official Session clients and Session.js at the same time. This is because they've switched from ConfigurationMessage to SharedDataConfig message which is generated in libsession-util code which is written in C/C++. Help is needed to resolve this issue, from someone who knows both C and JS

Display name

Initially you can set display name in setMnemonic method which takes display name as optional second argument.

import { Session, ready } from '@session.js/client'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'
const displayName = 'My Session bot'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, displayName)

or you can change it later:

await session.setDisplayName('My new Session bot name')


Just like regular attachments, avatars size is limited to 10 mb. It is recommended to use widely-supported image formats, such as JPEG and PNG to avoid compatability issues with other clients. Session.js does not perform any validation.

const filename = '/Users/kitty/Desktop/avatar.jpeg'
const file = await fs.readFile(filename)
const avatar: ArrayBuffer = file.buffer

await session.setAvatar(avatar)