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Session.js allows you to poll messages on-demand and polling is opt-in, meaning you have to enable it in order to start receiving updates and new messages.

Quick start

By default, if you don't provide interval in options to Poller class constructor, it will poll new messages each 2.5 seconds.

import { Session, Poller, ready } from '@session.js/client'
import { SnodeNamespaces, type Message } from '@session.js/types'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, 'Display name')

const poller = new Poller() // polls every 2.5 seconds

session.on('message', (msg: Message) => {
  console.log('Received new message!', 
    'From:', msg.from,
    'Is from closed group:', msg.type === 'group',
    'Group id:', msg.type === 'group' ? msg.groupId : 'Not group',
    'Text:', msg.text ?? 'No text',

  // If you want to access more properties and experiment with them, use getEnvelope and getContent
  msg.getContent() // => SignalService.Content <- useful message payload
  msg.getCnvelope() // => EnvelopePlus <- message metadata

  // If you want to download attachments, use:
  msg.attachments.forEach(async attachment => console.log(await session.getFile(attachment)))

You can even attach multiple pollers to instance, for example, to configure interval of polling different namespaces:

// Poll DMs each 5 seconds
const dmMessagesPoller = new Poller({ interval: 5000, namespaces: new Set([SnodeNamespaces.UserMessages]) })
// Poll user profile each 60 seconds
const profilePoller = new Poller({ interval: 60000, namespaces: new Set([SnodeNamespaces.UserProfile]) })


session.on('message', () => { /*...*/ })
session.on('syncDisplayName', (displayName) => {
  console.log('Synced display name', displayName)

Controlled polling on demand

To disable default interval of 2500 ms, pass interval: null to Poller constructor

const poller = new Poller({ interval: null })

// ... Some time later ...

const messages = await poller.poll()
console.log('Received messages', messages)

Enabling/disabling polling

You can use methods startPolling, stopPolling and setInterval on Poller instance to control it after it's alreay added to instance.

const poller = new Poller({ interval: 5000 })

// ... Some time later ...


// ... Some time later ...

poller.setInterval(2500) // poll every 2.5 seconds

// ... Some time later ...

poller.setInterval(null) // manual polling