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You can pick existing network connector or write your own


Network type Supports onion routing Description
Bun (local) This network type is default and simpliest. It is intended to be used in the same process that @session.js/client instances run in. It's ideal if you just want to start and doing everything on server in one project without browser or other parts.
Bun (remote) for proxies This network might be useful if you're building client in environment that does not allow you sending requests to Session nodes with self-signed certificates. This option is ideal for browser clients, because it handles all network connection on backend proxy that forwards client-side encrypted data to snodes. Check out simple browser example here.

Creating new network connector

To implement your own network, write class that implements Network interface from @session.js/types/network with onRequest method. It must cover all RequestTypes from @session.js/types/network/request. Take a look at this example:

import type { Network } from '@session.js/types'
import { 
  type RequestGetSwarmsBody, 
  type RequestPollBody, 
  type RequestStoreBody, 
  type RequestUploadAttachment 
} from '@session.js/types/network/request'

export class MyNetwork implements Network {
  onRequest(type: RequestType, body: object): Promise<object> {
    switch(type) {
      case RequestType.Store:
        return // typeof ResponseStore

      case RequestType.GetSnodes:
        return // typeof ResponseGetSnodes

      case RequestType.GetSwarms:
        return // typeof ResponseGetSwarms

      case RequestType.Poll:
        return // typeof ResponsePoll

      case RequestType.UploadAttachment:
        return // typeof ResponseUploadAttachment

      case RequestType.DownloadAttachment:
        return // typeof ArrayBuffer

        throw new Error('Invalid request type')

This is just an example in documentation, always develop against actual up-to-date RequestTypes enum in types package.