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Getting started

Friendly reminder: this package can't be used and won't work with Node.js.


By using this software, you are agreeing to abide by Terms of use. Shortly: no abuse and spam, you're solely responsible for your actions with this software.

  1. First install bun:
  2. Create a new Bun project in any directory, using bun init or manually
  3. Install session.js: bun add @session.js/client

Always make sure to await for initialization of library:

import { ready } from '@session.js/client'
await ready

// ...

Otherwise you might get errors like sodium.crypto_sign_seed_keypair is not a function

Quick start

Sending messages

import { Session, ready } from '@session.js/client'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'
const recipient = '054830367d369d94605247999a375dbd0a0f65fdec5de1535612bcb6d4de452c69'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, 'My username')
const response = await session.sendMessage({ 
  to: recipient, 
  text: 'Hello world' 

console.log('Sent message with id', response.messageHash)

Sending images or files

Attach image from URL to your message:

const imageData = await fetch('').then(res => res.arrayBuffer())

const file = new File([imageData], 'image.jpg', { type: 'image/jpeg' })
await session.sendMessage({ 
  to: recipient,
  text: 'Image downloaded by URL:',
  attachments: [file]

Attach file from your file system to your message:

import path from 'path'
// <...>
const filename = '/Users/kitty/Desktop/image.jpg'
const buffer = await fs.readFile(filename)

const file = new File([buffer], path.basename(filename), { type: 'image/jpeg' })
await session.sendMessage({
  to: recipient, 
  text: 'Image from file:', 
  attachments: [file] 

Polling messages

Check polling page for more info and examples on polling.

import { Session, Poller, ready } from '@session.js/client'
import { SnodeNamespaces, type Message } from '@session.js/types'
await ready

const mnemonic = 'love love love love love love love love love love love love love'

const session = new Session()
session.setMnemonic(mnemonic, 'Display name')

const poller = new Poller() // polls every 3 seconds

session.on('message', (msg: Message) => {
  console.log('Received new message!', 
    'From:', msg.from,
    'Is from closed group:', msg.type === 'group',
    'Group id:', msg.type === 'group' ? msg.groupId : 'Not group',
    'Text:', msg.text ?? 'No text',

  // If you want to access more properties and experiment with them, use getEnvelope and getContent
  msg.getContent() // => SignalService.Content <- useful message payload
  msg.getCnvelope() // => EnvelopePlus <- message metadata

  // If you want to download attachments, use:
  msg.attachments.forEach(async attachment => console.log(await session.getFile(attachment)))


You can find fully complete examples in examples repository